North Dublin Dog Training
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North Dublin Dog Training
North Dublin Dog Training was founded by dog trainer Regina Skelly. Dog training has changed a lot in the past 20 years. Extensive research and studies have provided a wealth of information about how animals learn and we can now rely on solid, proven training methods and move away from some more traditional, less humane methods.
North Dublin Dog Training aims to make positive reinforcement training available to those seeking to train their dogs and to equip dog owners with information to help them understand their dog's behaviour and change unwanted behaviours.
Regina, Owner
Regina’s love of dogs stems from childhood when her parents brought home a dirty, little stray mongrel who they named Misty. Regina and Misty would become the best of friends and be inseparable for the next 14 years.
Regina has been training dogs since 2010. She spent almost seven years with the DSPCA where she was a Senior Dog Trainer and in late 2016 she opened North Dublin Dog Training.
Regina’s shelter background has made her highly aware of the many human-dog relationships which fail due to a fundamental lack of ability to communicate and she aims to educate owners on how to provide a satisfying life for their canine companion and believes that training is the first step in this road.
She trains with science based, force free methods. She is a certified graduate of world class trainer and author, Jean Donaldson’s, ‘Academy for Dog Trainers’ – often referred to as ‘the Harvard for dog trainers’.
Regina is a certified Canine First Responder and also has a Diploma in Animal Psychology and a Diploma in Advanced Animal Psychology.
"The Academy for Dog Trainers offers one of the most rigorous, advanced programs in dog behavior and training in the world. Our goal is to raise the standard of excellence in the industry - nothing less."