What's your beef with Sprinkles?
**Disclaimer – this is a rant rather than an educational training article! I often hear people make comments to the effect of "I hate...

Halloween Safety for your dog
Sound Sensitivity in dogs is genetic and sometimes it doesn't manifest until the dog is a little older, so don't be caught out if it

Is aversive punishment ever necessary in dog training?
Myth Busting 101 Firstly, you’ll notice that the title of this blog specifically mentions “aversive” punishment. You might be wondering...

Do you actually need to train your dog?
Why train? My eyes have recently been opened about many people’s take on dog training. I always thought that most people these days get...

Christmas with your Dog
Perhaps I am anthropomorphising but I imagine most dogs enjoy Christmas time. It’s not that they’re looking forward to a visit from...

Dog Sitting Survival Guide
I was asked to write an information piece about Dog Sitting. It’s a difficult topic to write about because there are so many variables;...

Dog Park Etiquette
Dog Park Etiquette Dog parks are designated, fenced off sections in public parks which are for the use of dogs to run and play with...

About Positive Reinforcement Training
What is Positive Reinforcement Training? Positive reinforcement training is the practice of giving something reinforcing, something the...